Before the horrible bad terrible thing happened, there was LOADS of AWESOME!!
This morning started with my super students in sewing classes. I'm pretty sure these kids are finishing projects faster than any other class I've ever had.
Look at all the super cute purses! And a brand new dress! Pretty talented, huh! Yup. Tomorrow we're going to whip up some pajama shorts. I'm pretty sure these girls will be ready for sweat shop sewing in now time! Oh, did I actually say that? Kidding. (sort of...)
After classes I finished up Princess Amerah's new dress and her riding pants.
And out on their way to their new home. I'll let you know what she thinks when she opens it up!
After that I picked up the kids from camp and we were off to the shop. You see, I had learned that the power company had actually been to my place and there was POWER! Sweet! So we went, we turned on the breakers and there was LIGHT! Shortly after finding out we had power I started calling the a/c guy to come bring us some chill. Three calls later and I had talked him into coming right away. AWESOME!!
When this truck drove up I'm pretty sure I saw the heavens open and heard the hallelujah chorus. It was beautiful. I may or may not have shed a tear. Working for the rest of the day was SO so SO much nicer!!! Jeff Davis came to hang out and brought otter pops! SUPER YUM AND THANK YOU!! Austin was hard at work and we were trying to keep him busy with boards.
And when I laid out the new white pouffy stuff I had some help from Rachel and Ben. Ben got a little enthusiastic and just about wrapped me up with this adhesive covering he was peeling off.
Do you see that? See how close we are to the other wall? Awesome, right!?!?
Aaron was chillin on the cooler playing video games. The twins are pretty tech savvy and really love their games!
Shortly after this Rachel freaked out because she saw a beetle bug. It was super small and I told her it wouldn't hurt her and she shouldn't be scared because it was so much smaller than her. Silly me, it was a BAD OMEN for all things evil to come! Just wait... the terrible is coming up soon...
And this, THIS is how far we got on the floor. It's super hard to see in this picture but it's just over half way done! Rachel had informed me that it's 15 cartwheels long.
The best thing about today? CAN YOU SEE THE LIGHTS?!?!? And check this out!
Now, for the horrible terrible stuff that happened. It's seriously the stuff nightmares are made of. So. We were talking about how nice it is to have the lights. And I said, yah, but for some reason the light in the bathroom doesn't work. Austin said we should put a new bulb in it so I went to check what kind of bulb it took. At first look I saw what looked like some insane alien body parts coming out of the vent.
This is a terrible picture but I wasn't about to get any closer. Seriously people, this isn't a joke! It was horrible but I thought for sure, even though they looked super creepy, it had to be some sort of branches or something. So I got on a chair and opened it up.
And I saw THIS
Look to the middle in the little peep hole. It was sitting there peek a booing me! I dropped the light cover, screamed and ran. The scream may have started before I dropped the light cover... I can't remember. All I remember for sure is the huge dead thing looking at me wondering why it wasn't living in a 3rd world country anymore. (which is silly because it wasn't living at all) I ended up in the fetal position as far away from the bathroom as I could go. I had the chills. I am forever traumatized. But that's not all. By now I reckoned that the "branches" that looked creepy were actually another dead giant roach. (I got chills typing that...) Also, everyone else who was there was running to see what I had freaked out about. They were laughing.... I have no idea why - this was traumatic. And then I saw the light cover...
There was MORE! At least they were all dead. But EWE! They're huge and gross and dead and nasty and one looked at me and another was waving his nasty legs out of the vent holes at me. Mocking me. Austin, forever my hero, got rid of them for me. He also let me know that there used to be a light bulb but the roaches ate it. That must have been what killed them.
So that's it. I am going to take a silkwood shower and was all the thoughts of these nasty bugs away. And if I dream about them tonight... well I don't know what I'll do but I hope I don't ever think of them again! One thing is for darn sure - at least they weren't scorpions! That would have had me running down the street. Screaming.