Our twins turned 8, and started Cub Scouts. That sure snuck up on me! My babies are 8 - and they are such fun kids! So full of love and shenanigans. After going to the scout shop, Dad read the boys the story of Akeila from the scout book. The lights were turned off that the story read by flashlight to make the experience so much more fun!!
I remember when Spencer and Luke were Cub Scouts. There's not much cuter than little boys in Cub Scout Uniforms. :) These little boys (all 4 of them) make my life so happy. I am so thankful for each of them. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the honor of being their mom.
I was able to spend an amazing day with Emy Lydford. She's Spencer's Mother-In-Law. I love this woman so much! I love sharing kids with her, I love her company and her insights to life. I love her positive attitude and the example she is to me. We had an amazing day at Time Out For Women, and we had an amazing lunch together. The day went by far to quickly! We will for sure have to get together again soon!

We had been talking about getting another dog. We were dog-less for a few months for the first time in our entire married life. I miss my Maggie so much - even after a year an a half. There were 2 unanswered questions: what breed and puppy, 2/3 yr old or adult. After a MRI that lasted almost 2 hours. (seriously way too long) we stopped by the pound to take a look see at the dogs there. Our questions were answered when we found this gal:
She is hard to see in this picture, and the day we were there they didn't do visitations or adoptions. But she is a black lab and according to the guestimations of the point, she is 10 yrs old. Austin and I went home and talked a bit about her. There was also a super cute puppy that wasn't available for a few days. And this older Lab wasn't available to be adopted until she was fixed. The next day I took the littles to visit the Lab. I wanted to see how she reacted around kids. She was great. So playful and fun, yet not over hyper and nuts. She was also potty trained! And - as if a sign - she had been fixed that morning. So we adopted little Sophie and brought home a new family member.

Then nostalgia struck in the Willcox home. When I was a kid, my younger brother had the sheet music to the Star Wars theme. When I left home, I went ahead and took it with me... Now the littles are taking piano lessons (from a really amazing piano teacher Stephanie Funk!!) And Aaron is learning the Star Wars Theme song with the exact same sheet music. I don't know why I get all weird about this stuff, but when the kids play songs I learned as a kid I get so excited!
And then we come to the day of Thanksgiving. We originally were going to travel to California to celebrate with my family, but because of my health we stayed home. We celebrated with the Willcox side of the family. Great company, great food, lots of love and an overall really fantastic Thanksgiving.

The day after Thanksgiving is "BLACK FRIDAY" (insert spooky music here) I have never, ever, never - honestly ever ever - gone black Friday shopping. But I was tempted. Husband dangled a carrot... You see, I was in desperate need of a new dryer. Not only does our dryer squeak in the most annoying and horrible squeak, it also catches our clothes in the door gasket and tears them - or gets them totally stained with nasty black smears. But there was a sale on dryers... in store only... and Sears was in the same mall as the movie theater where we promised to take the kids to see Frozen... it was also in the same mall as the MAC store. And my MAC had frozen up and isn't doing so well. And Austin said I could get a new one.... I can honestly not even imagine a more tempting reason to go Black Friday shopping. So we went. We bought a dryer. We bought a new computer (using now! and LOVE!) We watched a movie and had a mall food court lunch together. It was so much fun, and yet wow. Two days of all of that activity took it's tole on me!
Saturday I slept in. It is so hard to get up in the mornings, I promised the kids tokens (which = $ in our house) to come in and wake me up. So they came in. I kept sleeping. They came in. I slept. and on and on and on until finally I got up. In pain. Sore, tired, pain filled me. But we were supposed to pull out the Christmas decor so I got moving.
You see, in our overly OCD home environment, things need to be done in order. I couldn't free the Christmas decor from the attic until the new stuff I got to put on the soffet up on the soffet, and I couldn't do that until what was up there came down, everything cleaned and then the re-decorating back up. Meanwhile, our back door frame has been destroyed by several dogs of the past. 

Since Austin NEVER has so much time off in a row it is hard to accomplish the fix-it-up things that need to be done. While Austin singlehandedly re-door framed our back door, I worked on the soffet.

It's hard to see, but that long gloop of hair/nasty is what came out from under the threshold. Barf.
However, after HOURS and lots of up/down the ladder and sitting on this tall ledge the new soffet decor was up. And now, once I've recovered from all 3 days of DOING WAY TOO MUCH I'll climb in that attic of death and rescue the Christmas decorations.
Sincerely blessed beyond belief. That's my life. And I wouldn't trade it for anything.
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