Yes, it's true. Another bizarre Doctor's appointment. Then again - what is a normal doctor's appointment? I am beginning to think there is no such thing. I went to my Neurologist's office to have a biopsy done on my skin and nerves. I'm pretty sure they were checking for evidence to prove I was abducted by aliens. Either that or they were aliens and now I've been probed! Either way, being abducted and probed by aliens wasn't nearly as exciting as I thought it would be.

They took biopsy's from town different places on my leg. They said something about the nerves being here or there or something. I wasn't paying as much attention as I should have - I was hoping they'd take pictures of the procedure. Priorities... I have my blog audience to satisfy. Once again, I lucked out and the assistant took TONS of pictures. I had to weed through them to get the main ones so you all can see what an alien probing looks like. First off, I walked into the room of an adult neurological office to find the exam table looking like this:
Next you'll get a little view of the side of my butt. I know I'm pale, white, transparent or whatever so don't worry about telling me. I also know there's this huge mole that only Austin gets to see - and I know there's weird old lady blue veins there, too. Now you get to enjoy the frightening sight.

First she "measured" my hip with her hands to find the right spot to take the biopsy from. Or so she said - maybe she wanted to feel my hip - I don't know...

She cleaned off my skin.

She gave me an injection of something to numb the spot, keep it from bleeding too much and help it to heal quickly.

This looks crazy how the bubble gets bigger and bigger. Kind of similar to watching a TB skin test.

And here's the probe. Or the punch biopsy. However you want to call it it's from the mother ship.

Look at that nice little circle.

There's my piece of skin. Yummy!

Blot blot blot


And now for #2. On my calf. For whatever reason this one hurt a lot more than the first.
Now, watch this one. Way gross. She cut the circle hole below...

And then she pulls something out with tweezers.

And then she cut it off and put it in a vile.

And here's my leftover boo boo. Darn alien probing.
Here's the aliens who abducted me. They are funny and nice and very efficient workers.

For a complete video of this procedure (on someone else) check out the Phoenix Neurological Associates website.
It will take up to 2 weeks for results to come in on this biopsy. But that's ok, because there's lots of other things to fill my time with. Like sewing!
I'll blog about some sewing projects next time.
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