It was a Thursday. But not a regular Thursday. You see, it was the day to get my first steroid injection into my spine. I followed my doctor's instructions for the day - dress comfortably and have a driver. Needless to say, I was a bit nervous.
But my driver wasn't nervous at all. He looks a little happy about it.... hum.... kidding. He was great company and very supportive of my nervousness and excessive picture taking.
All the way to Phoenix we went. I have to say I'm much more familiar with the freeway system than I was before visiting all of these medical specialists. Anyway, we made it to our destination. The office where medical professionals await with needless to put into my spine.
They took us right back, which was super cool! I had high hopes Austin would be able to stay with me for the procedure.
My high hopes were soon crushed when the giant scary nurse of death (I was much too terrified of her to take her picture...) came and firmly said my side kick would have to wait in the lobby.

And thus here I sit. All by myself in this lovely gown. Scary nurse asked me if I wanted IV sedation for the procedure. She then proceeded to tell me that it's no big deal and I wouldn't really even need it and blah blah blah. I'm pretty sure she was just interested in watching someone suffer. I think she wanted her torture someone fix for the day. I don't know - all I know is that I voted for the IV sedation. Not even a hesitation. I'm all for comfort. My BFF calls it "Better living through chemistry". Amen!. Before I knew it another nurse came by. A much nicer nurse who was human size and all smiles. She was there to hook me up with the IV.

Yes, I took these pictures. I watched as she did this, too. I've come along way from the days of being grossed out by needles and blood. Medical stuff still grosses me out but I was pretty nervous of the back needle deal - so this wasn't a biggie at all. Soon after the IV was in place I was escorted into THE room. I got to lay down on my tummy on this cozy bed. See the two screens? Well, they're using fluoroscope x-ray techniques. First they're going to inject a local anesthesia, and then some dye. The dye will help them place the steroid shot in the best possible spot. This procedure is supposed to help with my cervical spinal stenosis - where the nerves in my spine are pinched and sticking out of my back bones when they're supposed to be in. The steroid is supposed to shrink the soft tissue on the inside of my spine bones, making room for the nerves and releasing pressure and pain on my neck, shoulders and back.

Just before I laid down, I let the medical team know that I wanted lots or pictures - and if anyone felt like taking some, my phone was ready to go. I set my phone down on the counter - it didn't stay there for long because my doctor picked it right up and started taking LOTS of pictures! ha ha.
First I laid down. Then came the lawn dart jokes from the medical team. Good thing I have a healthy sense of humor!! Next came the IV sedation. ha ha. I didn't even know there was plastic on me! OH~ and before we left the house I made sure I took a xanax... I'm sure that helped not knowing about the plastic - and pretty soon I didn't even care that they were putting anything into my spine.
It looks like my head is encased in a plastic bag. It's not - but it looks crazy. I do wish they would have given me a dose of Demerol or something while they were passing out the injections. Ha ha. But nope. Oh well - perhaps next time!

And yes, my funny doctor gave me this nice band aid and took the picture. :)

Here's what the x-rays looked like when they were putting the needle, dye and steroid in my back.

And lastly - they took out my IV. I honestly don't remember this part and I'm the one who took the picture. Funny. The paperwork I was given to prepare for this visit said that I may loose some of the use of my limbs for a few hours after the shot. It also said I would likely not be up for doing anything else for the rest of the day. Guess what?!? I'm a champ because I didn't loose any limb use at all and I was able to stay up and be productive doing my usual mom stuff for the rest of the evening. Since this appointment (3 days ago), I had 2 really good days where I felt almost normal. The new pain meds started kicking in and the shot helped my neck and shoulders quite a bit. I also had 2 mornings where I woke up with circulation going on in my arms/hands. This morning though I woke with some poor circulation. Not the horrible pain and numbness, but enough to wake me up and know that I wasn't getting blood in my hands/lower arms. We went to church, where the benches are so uncomfortable for me to sit in and I made it through the whole 3 hours of church services without putting my leg(s) up or falling asleep. I was freakishly exhausted after and I was blessed with excessive pain in my legs and back from those benches/chairs. But I got to come home and rest. And watch Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom with the fam. I hope tomorrow I have less pain and more energy... however tomorrow I get to have another interesting appointment! Update and pictures (I hope) coming soon. ;)
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