It's Belle! And she has a little treat for you. Because I know you're all dying to know how a princess uses a glue gun... Enjoy! (and I've never posted a video here on the blog, so if it doesn't work I apologize because you're missing out)
Now, aside from that little tid bit of funness, I actually put gloves on before spray painting today. Shocking, I know but here's the proof.
After painting the leaves (that I decided I didn't like and didn't use at all...) and while the gang was working at the Wardrobe I got to run errands. First I went here:
And then I went to SAS to pick up some fabric for wolves, among other things.
And then I came back to work. And while I was out I completely forgot to take pictures of the other places I was going. Lame blogger, I know. HOWEVER! There was some silliness going on around here, and I did get pictures of some of it.
Shandi spent hours sitting on the couch beading. Look at what she did!!
Awesome, right? Yah. I'm pretty excited about it too. She seemed to be having a good time as well. Kayle and Carson finished up the Beast's fancy shirt. Here's what it looks like:
The coat still needs embellishment, but hey - it's coming along nicely!
While that was going on, and Belle was here the kids came home from school. Rachel brought her friend home and all of the kids were super excited to meet the real Belle!
It was crazy hair day at school... explains the... um.. crazy hair.
And Shandi modeled the Beast's coat with Belle.
And Belle modeled her ball gown. I still want to add some bling to it and change a couple things, but it is so super pretty!!! Well, for being yellow that is.
I was able to work on Mrs. Potts some more and she is coming along nicely! Rachel modeled it for me... complete with some weird makeup she put on with her friend.
Cute, huh! Tomorrow is going to be a high production day around here. I'm going to kick some costume butt! But first, I am going to tuck in the kids and get some beading done before going to bed. Mostly because they're all climbing on me right now and I'm getting claustrophobic. Later Gaters!
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