Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mrs. Potts and more

There is so much that was accomplished today!  There's still so very much to do, but today I made progress.  First of all, I started on a quest to find a base for Papa's hat.  I've been looking for a couple weeks now with little success.  What I really wanted was an old school, cheap-o aluminum colander.  I found out that either they are in such high demand that one cannot purchase them ever because everyone thats cool already owns them, or they are now obsolete and exist only in one of Wally's little square boxes of trash.  In a last ditch effort to find something even similar I first went to this thrift store:
Which, in the history of thrift stores and my experience this one sucks the most.  However, it's close to my house and so I went to see. While in the store, looking for some sort of interesting base to make a hat out of, I was pretty focused.  I picked up different things and would put them on my head to check if it would work as a hat.  I didn't find anything I liked that I thought would work, but I did find that others think putting random things on your head in a thrift store is weird.  Go figure. After that bomb of an experience I decided to go to the land where you can buy anything.  Walmart.  I'm pretty sure you could even buy a wife from a foreign country there, though I don't have any personal experience with that.  Just in case you're looking...  but just a head's up - the wife will be dressed in pajama pants and a tank top that is 3 sizes too small.  
Ok done being silly.  Next I went here:
Oh wait!  The people in the Walmart ads are the ones they're selling!  Yah, that's it.  
Anyhow, seriously now, I went about looking for something suitable for Papa's hat.  Seems you can shop in whatever odd ball combination of clothing you want, but if you start putting things on your head there's something wrong with you.  I sure hope I don't end up on People of Walmart with some odd bowl on my head.  Geesh.  BUT, true to Walmart I found something I could use.  Along with some spray paint.  Here's my goodies:
 It's also odd to take pictures of the stuff you're buying in the check out lane.  Just a head's up if you want to do that.  Don't put anything on your head and don't take pictures of your stuff.  But go ahead and wear your giant bunny slippers. 
After Walmart I went here:
Because Edna from Hairspray needs some shoes.  In this size:
Today was a very educational day.  On top of all that other stuff, I also learned that women with big feet wear the ugliest shoes ever.  It is near impossible to find anything even close to cute in the big sizes, and even more impossible to find big sizes.  Note to shoe designers: Ladies with big feet want cute shoes, too!  And so do the drag queens so please start making them!  Geesh. 

After this grand adventure I went home to finish up Mrs. Potts.  And, to my surprise, I did!  She is completely done!  And, of course I had to put it on because, well, that's what we do around here.  Here I am as Mrs. Potts. 
and from behind:

Cute, huh?!?  I'm very pleased with how she came out.  I have this picture on my inspiration board:
and, although this is much, much fancier and more exquisite than mine, I think mine is a pretty, much cheaper version of this super fancy one. Feel free to tell me I'm crazy and they look nothing alike.  It's ok, because I still like mine just fine. 
Once done with Belle I started on Papa's hat.  Here's everything I started with:
Honestly I had no idea what I was going to do.  First I tried using the Gorilla glue but it was taking a million years to dry.  I switched to hot glue.  We have gone through so many hot glue sticks building this show I think I should have bought some stock in the company before I started.  
Here's how the hat looked a little ways into the gluing:
And then a little later:
This one looks like a funky R2-D2. 
And this is the other side. 
That silver stuff is Brillo pad from the dollar store.  I stretched it out and glued it down. The thing on the left side is a giant fork from the dollar store that I bent up and glued down. After doing all of this, I took it outside for the first coat of paint before it got too dark.  Here's what it looks like now:

and no, I didn't put gloves on this time.  Yes, there is paint all over my hands and this time it's kind of sticky.  Which is yucky.  and it won't wash off.  Gross.  
Well, there's some beading to do before I go pick up the costumes from Desert Stages Theatre.  How to Succeed is performing it's last show right now and, well, it's time to bury the living room in dirty show laundry again.  And, speaking of beading, here's what my fingers look like from all of the hand sewing:
It kinda hurts.  And I've been wearing the thimble for the past couple of days.  Ouchy wow wow.  Now I'll suck it up and get back to work. 

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