Once blown up, it was ready to be paper mache'd. I had Shandi start on that in the kitchen, where she felt lonely and punished - banished from the sewing room. Which, really, wasn't true at all because I trusted her to paper mache' on her own, which is huge. Because I'm really hands on. Shandi finished the first layer of paper mache' and here's what it looked like then:
The ball shows on the top and bottom because it will be open there, so Mrs. Potts can get in and out and walk. After all, her body has to go somewhere. This barrel shaped thing will be covered in fabric and will represent the round part of the tea pot. Her arm will have a spout on it, her other arm will be movable and, when she's not using it, will rest with her hand on her hip so it looks like a handle. Anyhow, that's a project for another day.
After I picked up the littles from school, the ball was ready for layer 2 of the paper mache'. The kids were happy to help for a little while. I finished up the second layer and then put the ball on the little patio area in our front yard... more on that later... here's the littles working on the ball:
While the ball was drying, we got to work on Belle's gold dress. Which is really yellow. But we'll call it gold, ok? Ok. Shandi put the skirt together, and I put the bodice together.
Shandi making the skirt. Now, keep an eye out as I take pictures because the more we work on a show (let alone 2 at the same time) the messier the work room gets.
The beginning of the bodice.
Once the skirt was together the crew got in, because it is big enough for all of them.
Shandi, Robin and Carson - before the Subway diet.
After the crew went home, I added the skirts to the dress. I think I'm going to re-drape them tomorrow, but for today they're on. After this, I embellished the top skirt's hem.
Sparkles make everything pretty!
with the sparkle trim on the over skirt.
The bodice up close. Tomorrow it will be bedazzled. Just wait, it's going to be amazing!
While all of this was going on, Carson was hard at work on the wardrobe. Which, I'm sure he has a love/hate relationship with by now. Here's how that's coming along:
Well, the ball is dry again and I need to put the 3rd layer of paper mache' on it tonight. So, I'm off to paper mache! Fun, right? No, It's actually kinda gross. :/
You truly are an amazing, creative and talented lady! I'm so glad you're blogging this so we can see behind the scenes.....and a little glimpse of your crazy life!!