Sunday, January 12, 2014

I Love to Sew!

It's true.  Yah, I've had lots of doctors appointments and I spend most of my time keeping the house up and taking care of the family.  BUT I did steal some time to make a Christmas present for Spencer (our oldest son- he's 24) and a present for our grandson, who is 9 mo. old.  Yes, I'm still making aprons for the Etsy site (5FunGirls) and yes, I'm still swamped with doctors appointments.  In fact, I decided to blog today because after I went to the hand specialist I've been scheduled for Carpal Tunnel surgery.  This week, on top of my regular stuff, I am going to work on getting things ready for after the surgery.  We're doing the left hand first, and then in a few weeks they'll do the right hand.  This means that I'll be meal planning for the next 2 weeks, grocery shopping, organizing it all and writing everything down.  My Momma (who is by far the best Momma in the whole world.  Ever) is flying out to help us while I'm down.  Having things orderly will not only make me feel good (because I like clean and orderly) but it will help her.

Well enough of that darn medical talk!!  Let's talk about some sewing projects!  I wanted to make a throw pillow for Spencer, and one for Rachel.  I want them to be cohesive as they'll go on the same couch in their living room.  I found the perfect fabrics and then had to figure out what I wanted to do. You see, I didn't want to just make some mambo-pamby pillow.  It had to be interesting.  It had to have life in it.  It had to be fun, and yet classy, but also be like THEM as a couple.  I haven't finished Rachel's pillow yet, but I did finish Spencer's just in time for Christmas.  And before I get any further, Rachel's pillow is different - and I'll post about that when I get there.

While looking around for what kind of pillow I wanted to make, I came across one at Target that I found interesting.  Ok, it was boring - but the actual origami of the pillow was interesting.  I know origami means folded paper but what's the word for folded fabric?  Because this thing is kind of like origami.  Here's what the Target pillow looks like:
I was intrigued on how this was done.  I took the picture and then cut 5x5 squares out of the fabrics I chose for Spencer.  If I were to do this again, I'd cut the back panel 5x5 and the 4 sides 4x4. Since I've only done it once and everything was 5x5 I have no guarantees that it would be better with 4x4 - so don't go making it and get all mad at me if it doesn't turn out!  ;) I will tell you what I did to make this pillow.  You who sew can probably figure it out by looking at it - but I'll tell you how I did it.  First I found this amazing fabric during the summer months that is PERFECT for Spencer.  It's a compilation of 3 different prints that all come from the "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus" series.  Then, as the back fabric that shows in the center, I chose a print with VW buses on it.  As an added bonus there's aliens driving the buses.  And the color of the whole ensemble matches the colors they like and have in their little cottage.  
Here's the base fabric.  Spencer's always loved VW buses.  And aliens?  In all honesty I would have preferred it to be just the bus.  However who doesn't love a hidden alien?  I mean really.

Back to the project!  I cut out all the 4x4 squares and ironed them flat.  Then I took the pieces that would go on top of this piece and ironed them in half, making triangles.   I then used my fingers to both hold the triangle still and gently fold back the folded side of the triangle to make the peek a boo origami look.

Once all of the ironing was done, I started to lay out the patterns.  They each had to be the same to avoid looking like a hodgepodge of whatever.  Here's the first triangle in place. 

And the second triangle going right on top.  See the fabric?  It's super cute if you like the book.  (which we all do).  

And here's the whole square with all 4 triangles on it.  You can see that my little "peek a boo" is smaller than the one at Target.  That's why I think I'll try cutting the squares smaller, or laying them out further apart and trimming the edges.

It was difficult to keep the folded edges folded back.  I finally used some stiffener before a final press.  That did the trick. 

After finishing one, I did the same thing again and again....

And though I hoped the pillow would have been bigger, I am still happy with how it turned out.  More importantly Spencer really likes it.  He says it's super comfy too!  

AND guess what else I did?  I made a quilt for this little heart breaker.  I used minky fabrics for the top, and the backing is all navy blue BYU Cougars cotton.  I didn't add any filler into the quilt, it's Arizona...  the two layers are warm in and of themselves.  Above is the general layout of the different fabrics.  It's a strip row quilt.  I know that's not the right name for it, but whatever.  
Here it is after I sewed all of the strips together.  It's folded in half.  I really like the different chevron strips with the solids and polka dots.  It's hard to see, but the solids have a raised polka dot print on them.  Super soft and cozy!!! 

I sewed the top and bottom right sides together, like you'd sew a pillow.  I left an opening and then turned it right side out.  I pulled out the corners so they would be square.  Then I went in and sewed the leftover edge of stitching to the backing, so the quilt would hang better and be a little stronger.  

It was quite the task to keep it in line, withe the edge on the back side so it would get sewn down.  I then sewed the opening shut and used embroidery floss (white) to tie a little bit on the yellow chevrons in the center.  Just to keep the fabric in place where it goes.  :)  I don't have a picture of it finished, but it's super cute and his Momma likes it - which is all good!  

A couple of selfies.  I'm pretending to sew.  Ha ha. 

 Oh!  And see that draped on the dress form in the back ground?  Roo did that.  She was playing with the fabric and draped a dress onto the form. It actually looks really nice!  I'm not sure anyone would wear a dress made out of monkey print minky fabric.... but it's pretty amazing for a 9 year old.  :)  She's my mini me and I LOVE it!

Lastly, during the evening hours I've been keeping my hands busy.  I've been embroidering these little elephants to go on a throw blanket for one of the sweetest, kindest and most beautiful people I know.  More about that another time.  AND it's about time to make our Ren Fest garb!  Whoot!  Just wait and see how that turns out!  Meanwhile, I wonder if I"ll be able to sew with my left hand in a cast?  Hum.....

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