Saturday, May 5, 2012

More Fun Times at the Wardrobe

What a week!  Here's what went on since the last blog... in a nutshell...

First of all, last week Austin brought in a Belle barbie doll for us to use as a muse.  Actually, it's a Selena Gomez barbie in a cheep-o version of Belles dress.  I put the Belle muse on one of the bars on my sewing machine, so she could sit up there.  What did we get?  We got pole dancing Belle!  Here she is!

What's really funny is that Pole Dancing Belle goes flying from time to time and lands on the floor. :)

Onto the real work!  It was time (or actually over due as I'm behind... again!) to work on Cogsworth's human coat.  Here's Kaitlyn working on the coat:

She was there for a working interview.  She's super nice, but I think probably a little weirded out I was taking her picture.  

While she worked on Cogsworth, I started the Beast/Prince coats.  These are 2 coats that are the same, but one is bigger in the shoulders and has a hump built into it.  See the white part?  That's the hump "pillow" sewn into the back of the Beast coat.  

I couldn't find any gold trim I liked for his coat, so I took this white trim and spray painted it gold.  
Dear Neighbors who think I'm odd, this is what I do in the front yard.  Sincerely, Rebecca

And, of course, it was curing up and I had to hold it down with my hand.  You know that little voice inside your head that says common sense things like, "you should grab some gloves before you start."?  Yah, mine doesn't work.  And this was my hand when I was done.  Most of it washed off my skin, but now - 3 days later- you can still see gold on my fingernails.  I know it would easily come off with remover, but who has time for that?  And I'm pretty sure I"ll be out there painting something else soon... gloveless...

Shandi and I made the Wardrobes pretty dress.  Here's Shandi trying it on!  Pretty, right?  

While she was working on the dress, and Carson was working on the dresser part of the wardrobe, Robin and I went here to do some mending before the weekend's shows:

Robin told me not to use the picture if she was making a funny face or had her eyes closed.  Since she keeps telling me she doesn't bother to read my blog, I figure I'd post the pic anyway.  :)  Hee hee.

Once back from DST, I got back on track with the Beast's coat.  It is hard to see in the picture, but I'm BEADING this whole gold part down.  I'm a little crazy, I know.  But it will look amazing on stage!!  

You can see the beads a little better up close:

Taking a break from beading, I finished up the wardrobes dress.  It is super heavy.  I pleated the skirt and sewed it onto the bodice like this:  See these pins?  They're not my friends.  They were vicious. 

Robin got to sew some of the gold gems onto the front of Belle's dress. 

What's on the agenda for this weekend??? Well, after a wedding dress fitting this morning, we're off to the dentist to get out teeth cleaned.  (I KNOW you were dying to know that little tid bit of info!) Aside from the dental visit and usual weekend stuff, I need to finish up all of Belle's dresses, and work on the Silly Girls.  I'm pretty excited about the Silly Girls.  I think they are going to look ah-mazing! 
Oh, and I'm pretty sure I'll do lots and lots of beading too.  Oh, and Mrs Potts still needs a few more layers of paper mache before she's ready to be de-balled.  Geesh, will I ever be done?!? Deep Breath.  

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