Saturday, May 26, 2012

A Great Review, Next Season, and NO!

First of all, I apologize for not posting pictures this time... Now that you've forgiven me, read on.

Check out this awesome review of Hairspray!  Hopefully, you can copy and past and see the review.  If not, there's a link on my facebook page.  :)

In other news, I spent time working on a wedding dress I need to finish for a friend of a friend.  I also did some shopping at the Joann's sales for upcoming sewing classes and Princess Amerah.  You see, she asked me if I would design a little wardrobe for her new video.  Yah, it's kinda a big deal and I'm really excited she asked me.  Of course, I'll post lots of pictures!  But just so we're clear on one thing, It's going to be amazing!  And no, I'm not going to divulge the details of what we're up to!  It's a secret!  (until I start making it and then, well, my secrets become public).

Tomorrow Beauty and the Beast closes.  That means I get to go squeeze everything into my car (ha ha) and then sort & wash sweaty laundry.  Then put it all away.  It's not my favorite part of the job, but at least I'm not building another show this week so there's less stress to get it all done.  I'll just say goodbye to the living room for a few days...  good thing we stocked up on fabreeze...   I will have exactly one full week to finish getting B&B put away before Hairspray comes home.  Seems a shame, spending so much time building a show for a 2 or 3 week run.  Then again, I am fortunate and am able to re-use costumes over and over again.

I've also almost solidified my work schedule for the next theatre season!  You'll get to see the building process of some awesome shows!  I'm super excited.   This summer I am building Charlie Brown (MCC) and Spelling Bee (MCC) and then the year is kicking off with The Aristocats (DFT) , followed by Into the Woods (DST), The Pajama Game (DFT), Pippin (DFT), Wrong Window (DFT), Sunset Blvd (DST), All My Sons (DFT), Company (DFT), and Aladdin Jr (DFT).  That's it!  I'm committed to keeping the show schedule down this coming year.  Sorry to anyone reading this who has hopes to hire me, I'm booked.  BUT I do have an open studio and you're welcome to come rent whatever you may need from my stock.   See?  My "No" isn't broken any more.  In fact, I said no to several different jobs this past week.  No, I don't want to make your brides maids dresses.  No, I don't want to alter your daughters wedding dress, and no, I simply can not fix your formal.  I think no is my new favorite word.

Lastly, and on a personal note, I cooked dinner for the fam for the first time in weeks.  I also washed the dishes, found the top of my desk (it's wood!  Who knew?) and almost caught up on all the laundry.  Did you know there was a kitchen table under that huge pile of clothes?  Shocking, I know.  Don't worry, I'll have it all covered up by tomorrow night...

Happy Sewing!

1 comment:

  1. That is one thing I do NOT miss about costuming- the clean up. Some stuff gets REALLY stinky. And then you have to sort out what must be dry cleaned and what you can get away with hand and machine washing. Ugh, just thinking about it is making my skin crawl.
    Bless you for working so hard at a basically thankless job. (Well, it is not COMPLETELY thankless, but I think you would need to be thanked constantly for a year for each show in order to drop the word "thankless" from the situation. Or paid three times as much. ;-)
